Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Spanish-American War

Spanish-American War

          The Spanish-American War was when Cuba rebelled against Spain, who was ruling them at the time. Because of Cuba's close proximity to America, America decided to help Cuba defeat Spain and their crumbling empire. The message that the cartoonist is trying to convey is that the Spanish were brutal towards Cuba and their allies. This is shown with the ape labeled as "Spain" holding a bloody sword and a gravestone. If a Spanish person looked at it, they would probably be highly offended and disagree with its message. One of the techniques used in the cartoon is labeling. This is shown by yet again, the brutish ape has a belt saying "Spain" on it. Another technique used is an analogy. The blood and the ape kind of compares to the blood that the Spanish spilled in the war. This cartoon does agree with my idea of imperialism. This is because from all that I learned, Spain did seem to perform some brutal actions during the war. However, a major part of imperialism is war. However, Latin America was involved in our affairs once again with the Panama Canal.

Citation: "Today in Social Sciences..." : The Spanish American War in Some Cartoons. N.p., 16 Mar. 2012. Web. 21 Feb. 2016. <>.



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